Sunday 27 February 2011

♥하루 73

helllllo ?


*salutes , claps , appreciations , standing ovations*

hahahahh . people tend to ask me why'd I change the address . well , prima volta is cause I really DO like teerex's . quote , " My head's too big but my body's too small ! :/ " :PP

hehh .

yesss , from Toy Story .
An all time favourite show of mine 8DD

I like animals who can literally laugh lol :0

A short intro ? :)

Rex (sometimes known as Rex the Dinosaur) is a large, green, plastic Tyrannosaurus Rex who suffers from anxiety, an inferiority complex and the concern that he is not scary enough. He also has some excitement when he sees something good. Rex's worst fear (after Sid) is that Andy will get another, scarier dinosaur, but feels better after Buzz gives him a few pointers on how to roar more effectively .

aand , prima secondo-ly , I'm the kind that gets bored of things very easily . so chyeah :) prima third ? smilelikemrpricklepants is too long ): and dylan tend to make it to mrsmellyunderpants *frown* anywayy I just hope you guys will kindly view more often and follow me , thankyous !

so , I had a longg week , basically with just school , homework , homework , theory , school . the first monthly exam is getting near and to make it worst , my piano theory exam is coming right after too *stresss* I actually had a nightmare a few days ago about my theory exam . srsly ? )': no big deal , no big deal , *fans self* . I hope so lor . plus my bro's wedding is like two days before my theory exam so I want to try my best to kao tim everything and enjoy this wedding of a millenium . ITS MY BROTHER'S WEDDING ! 8DD

so btw I just wanna say I testified the voice of true tenors / sopranos yesterday . I attended a service in memoir of armando chin yung , a very talented malaysian senior tenor who just passed away unfortunately cause of heart attack . Its a serious loss for all of us I guess . even if I didnt know who is he , I can see that he is a very respected man in every way . the performance yesterday night @ KL was astounding and unforgettable .

alrightt . I got to goo .
goodbye ! :)

Sunday 20 February 2011

♥하루 72

"A hiccup is a spasm of the diaphragm"
-form 3 cuttlefish book

goshh I didnt know all my hiccups has something to do with my diaphragm . I HAZ BEEN HAVING HICCUPS FOR THE ENTIRE DAY . annoyed max ! tried to stop breathing or spam big gulps of water but its not working *Sigh* NOW I KNOW . see ? this is the way how science works in our daily life :P I owe you , form one chapter 1 .

okie goodnight !
and bai bai weekend *emotional*

♥하루 71


Align Left

Saturday 19 February 2011

♥하루 70

so , we haz school replacement today , and apparently , I didnt go . still can't get use to the early schledule and NO ONE CAN MAKE ME WAKE UP EARLY AT A SATURDAY OK ! but I did . why ? cause I've to go to the orang asli home last minute . was quite geram at first but cheered up once I saw them ;) Learned alot of orang asli words . its so shtupid , they laughed at me cause I kenot pronounce the words properly )': now I understand how the other race felt like when we taught them chinese then laughed LOL . It was a happy morning tho :D

I went for brunch and sat down for some science in the afternoon . yesssss , pmrrrr *rolls eyeballs* . my neighbour is installing another aircond for his living room while I was studying about how air conds are one of the main source of CFC which thin down our ozone layer . I admit , I'm keen on the enviromental issue but is not much of help cause I literally use a whole LOAD of tissue paper every morning due to my sinus *sniff sniff* I try my best to minimise my usage of tissue paper and papers thoo . I don't want the next generations to end up like the people in Wall-E o__o

However , while I was listening to all the commotion going on next door , and sneezing my head of cause of all the dust the process is creating . ugh , sensitive nose :/ This got me thinking to how selfish humans can be . yes , I know how we're living in malaysia and there is no way we can live without air conds , me myself live in a house with several airconds ! but its just adviced that we should really give a try to cut down the usage of airconditioners . just like how I did with tissue hehh . when you're actually enjoying yourself in an airconditioned surrounding , at the same time you're spoiling your kid's future enviroment . we all don't want to end up like how people got eaten up by computers in Terminator or get killed by Navi's in Avatar right ? :ooo

hee . great day overall , with the youths and new group launching and all .
p/s , sukkie we're the feeeeeders , you fortunate girl ! :p

bai !

Thursday 17 February 2011

♥하루 69

Hai . I've finally white flagged and reverted to the more upgraded classic template . LOL definitely I've lose my interest and ilmu pengetahuan towards the very complicated but-not-so-very html coded blog skins . I know , I know I've always been called a pro at it *winks at joyseet* time to retire lah . heh .

ANYWAY . I'm here to talk about the recent 'trend' of commiting suicide . ok no more choi choi choi , chap goh mei already . byebye cny *teary eyed* I know right so fast . so anywayyy god why I so chiong hei punya . back to the issue . I've read the newspaper okay I've heard from my mum , about at least 3 to 4 cases of self suicide , main reasons is all about a foolish feeling for someone . yes , foolish . Its the most ( wait the most foolish thing is people who dislike big bang *aggresive* ) foolish thing for someone to do .

" If they've got the bravery to hurt themself , why not they use that bravery to solve their problem and live ? "

This is a very meaningful sentence for me . I was so shocked to hear true stories from my friends about how they used to actually want to try the pain of a knife cutting into their skin . Ouch . you want the try the pain but didnt think you actually will leave scar ah ? don't think sk-II actually works ok ! :oo

so you guys know that I've been teaching in a home for orang asli weekly for months already . ok , maybe you don't but now you do :p their ambition is to actually go back to their kampungs and sell petai . their standard CEO job ! unlike us , they have nothing to compare to our materialism , education or knowledge . but yet , I will never forget their smiles when they told me they wanna go back home and open that petai stall . so happy and filled with life . eventhough they are provided with good shelter and food here yet they NEVER , EVER forget to tell me about their family and how much they misses them whenever I go there .

ok la , if you tell me you're lacked of love , attention or got rejected , I can tell you the very person , Jesus Christ , who died for you , had painful strikes , insults and teases beyond imaginable in public , sacrificed his faultless self without a word on the cross for YOU , yet you still want to kill yourself because of some sesame seed problems , I seriously am speechless .

but come on , think about it .
how would your family , friends and loved ones think about when you left ?
most important , how would you feel when someone you love leave .
Trust me , you don't want to feel the pain .

alright . my conclusion is to just enjoy your life to the max . hello , if your guy / girl doesnt want you , I'm will might be here for you ! if not , Jesus Christ will ALWAYS , eternally be there for you , nomatter how hard the situation is . because he loves you ! ;)
me myself guarantees that .

Happy chap goh mei !
hahaha , don't over pollute the river / pond with the mandarin oranges alright ? its pretty stinky when an orange rot , so please think about the living things inside .

Friday 11 February 2011

♥하루 68

HAH . HELLO . I know my blog's dead but whatever I will update whenever I have the mood to . anyway , its been like months since the last time I updated . srsly . and I just want to tell you guys happy belated chinese new year and I hope you haz a great cny cause I did . its just that I need more angpau . NEED .

kthxbai :D