Saturday 19 February 2011

♥하루 70

so , we haz school replacement today , and apparently , I didnt go . still can't get use to the early schledule and NO ONE CAN MAKE ME WAKE UP EARLY AT A SATURDAY OK ! but I did . why ? cause I've to go to the orang asli home last minute . was quite geram at first but cheered up once I saw them ;) Learned alot of orang asli words . its so shtupid , they laughed at me cause I kenot pronounce the words properly )': now I understand how the other race felt like when we taught them chinese then laughed LOL . It was a happy morning tho :D

I went for brunch and sat down for some science in the afternoon . yesssss , pmrrrr *rolls eyeballs* . my neighbour is installing another aircond for his living room while I was studying about how air conds are one of the main source of CFC which thin down our ozone layer . I admit , I'm keen on the enviromental issue but is not much of help cause I literally use a whole LOAD of tissue paper every morning due to my sinus *sniff sniff* I try my best to minimise my usage of tissue paper and papers thoo . I don't want the next generations to end up like the people in Wall-E o__o

However , while I was listening to all the commotion going on next door , and sneezing my head of cause of all the dust the process is creating . ugh , sensitive nose :/ This got me thinking to how selfish humans can be . yes , I know how we're living in malaysia and there is no way we can live without air conds , me myself live in a house with several airconds ! but its just adviced that we should really give a try to cut down the usage of airconditioners . just like how I did with tissue hehh . when you're actually enjoying yourself in an airconditioned surrounding , at the same time you're spoiling your kid's future enviroment . we all don't want to end up like how people got eaten up by computers in Terminator or get killed by Navi's in Avatar right ? :ooo

hee . great day overall , with the youths and new group launching and all .
p/s , sukkie we're the feeeeeders , you fortunate girl ! :p

bai !

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